This page last changed on Oct 11, 2007 by cstaudt.
Now that we know there is water in clouds, how do you think it gets all the way up there?
 | ART: A cartoon of a boy and a girl (from the unwritten story?) opening up a hatch in a cartoonized cloud and pouring in water. |
- Two plastic bowls (dark color)
- Water, warm
- Water, cold
- Plastic wrap
- Fill one bowl with warm water.
- Fill the other bowl with cold water.
- Measure the temperature of each bowl.
Hot bowl temperature: NUMBER BOX
Cold bowl temperature: NUMBER BOX
- Place a piece of clear plastic wrap over each of the bowls.
- Observe the changes to the plastic wrap. How are the hot and the cold water different?
- L5: Write your response in the box below.
- L4: Observe the plastic wrap carefully to see if there are any changes.
- L3: Above the hot water, the plastic wrap looks... Above the cold water, the plastic wrap looks...
- L2: The plastic wrap over the (O hot O cold) water gets cloudy.
- L1: Does the plastic wrap over the hot water look misty? Compare a cloud to the mist on the plastic wrap.
- Touch the plastic wrap. What does the cloudy plastic feel like?
- The substance that makes the wrap look cloudy is water. Just like we saw in the clouds, there are tiny droplets of water on the plastic wrap.
The plastic wrap never touched the water in the bowl. Where do you think the water came from?
- L5: Write your response in the box below.
- L4: How could the water get from the bowl to the plastic wrap?
- L3: The water that got on the plastic wrap came from the...
- L2: O The water on the plastic wrap came from the air near the plastic wrap.
O The water on the plastic wrap came from the plastic wrap itself.
- L1: The water moved from the bowl to the plastic wrap as a gas in the air. Describe how this happens.
- Now lift the plastic wrap and hold it up. Watch the wet, misty film on the plastic wrap carefully.
What happens?
Where did the water droplets go?
- L5: Write your response in the box below.
- L4: If the water droplets move from the air to the plastic wrap, where do you think they might go?
- L3: The water changes into...and enters the...
- L2: O The water changes into a gas and enters the air.
O The water is absorbed by the plastic wrap.
- L1: The water changes into a gas and enters the air. Explain in your own words.
Water evaporates, or changes from liquid to gas when you add energy. The water evaporated faster from the warm bowl. What does that tell you about the amount of energy in the warm water compared to that of the cold water?
- L5: Write your response in the box below.
- L4: Think about which bowl has more energy.
- L3: There is more energy in the ..... bowl.
- L2: There is (O more O less) energy in the warm bowl.
- L1: There is more energy in the warm bowl. How do you know?
(Hidden until after response)
The water molecules in the warm water have more energy. Some of them have enough energy to change from liquid to gas. Some water molecules touch the plastic wrap and lose energy, turning back into water droplets. The droplets are what you see when you see the cloudy film on the plastic wrap.
Here's an example of boiling water. As you add heat energy with the stove, a lot of the water is turning into gas and rising into the air. The "steam" you can see is actually like the cloudy film on the plastic; it's water that has cooled back down into tiny droplets of liquid water-like a cloud!
How does water get into the air to form clouds?
- L5: Write your response in the box below.
- L4: What happens to water when you add energy?
- L3: When you add energy to liquid water it turns into a .... and mixes into the ....
- L2: Liquid water turns into a gas and mixes into the air when you add (a) heat energy b) more water c) ice d) plastic.
- L1: When you add energy to the liquid water it turns into a gas and mixes into the air. Explain why you believe this happens.