This page last changed on Sep 19, 2006 by scytacki.

Run SensorPort

  • On the Palm it will be an application on the home screen of the Palm.
  • On the PocketPC it will be located in the (Check this)Applications.

Confirm the version

  1. A Select Portfolio dialog window will appear when you run SensorPort
  2. if there is an existing portoflio open it.
  3. if there are no existing portfolios create a new portfolio.
    1. use any portfolio name you want
    2. use any student name you want
    3. save the portfolio
    4. open it
  4. Select About SensorPort in the File menu
    1. on the PocketPC the file menu is at the bottom of the screen
    2. on the Palm you need to click on the SensorPort title at the top of the screen to see the File menu.
  5. At the bottom of the About SensorPort dialog window should be the version: v2.2.1
  6. Select About LabBook in the File menu
  7. The LabBook Version should be: 2006091467
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:44