This page last changed on Mar 30, 2006 by scytacki.

Initial authoring is already started. We need to figure out what they are planning on doing now and advise them so it will be easier to migrate.

Ann has installed lenya. She looked at the wysiwyg editors: bxe and kupu. Neither one has great documentation. And it is difficult to figure how they can be customized. So the the wysiwyg editors are going to be tabled at this point. The current step is to change the teemss1 xml and get it working in a cocoon environment.

I would estimate 2 weeks of Anns time to do this, and 2 days of my 50% time. Then the next step would to figure how authors can modifid the xml files: ftp, webdav, cvs, subversion, lenya. And how wysiwyg this editing process will be and whether it will work offline. All of this could take another month of Anns time and 2 weeks of my 50% time.

We should review this design with others and make sure it makes sense them.

Creating and updating the objects in the distributed object store will not be part of this design

This is the old plan

Design 0.1:

Use Lenya. Installing Lenya

What it will look like

  • use lenya with gui editor to make xml documents
  • won't work offline.
  • version tracking
  • two spaces: live, test
  • users with workflow: publishing process with approval
  • a change in lenya will be instantly reflected in the labbook that can be downloaded from the site.

Steps to get there

  • Ann or I will setup lenya on teemss server
  • make a Publication using the teemss1 xml structure and dtd
    • this will mean breaking that dtd into several documents so it fits the lenya/cocoon model
    • modifying existing html xsl files to work with cocoon
    • customizing navigation controls
    • figure out how to handle multiple image resolutions
  • setup wysiwyg editors so they can be used with teemss material
  • setup simple workflow initially.
  • setup more complex workflow which includes manufactures
    • editors at concord; add content: Edmund, Brad, Carolyn
    • artist outside; add and refine images: who???
    • manufactures outside; customize activities for their probe system: need easy user admin for these people
    • reviewer at concord; review activities before they are published: Carolyn?
  • integrate with concord user system
  • modify labbook generation xsl so a labbooks can be dynamically downloaded from lenya site.

Parts we don't know enough about yet

  • how to configure wysiwyg xml editors for lenya.
  • can webdav be used to access the lenya document repository
  • how does the css thing work. I see urls to one place but they are stored in a completely different place.
  • work flow configuration
  • lenya eclipse plugin - will this make it easier to setup and customize a lenya publication?
  • look at embedded assessment there is a chart of this. it should be attached.
  • spell check of documents.

Potential Issues

  • how are the graph components going to be setup in wysiwyg editor? a simple approach to these is to fill out a form.
  • can we set permissions on a per document or per folder basis? This is part of work flow. we need it for manufactures.

Next Steps if all this works

  • try to make it more avialable offline
    • maybe a subversion client can be used to access its webdav/version system
    • can we adapt a java wysiwyg editor to work in this offline environment, or would we need to install a local copy of lenya and use a web browser still.
  • look at providing readable diffs of different versions
  • consider this system for RtT
  • email notification of site changes
  • submit changes or requests for changes to cocoon/lenya projects.
  • revise lenya wiki as we learn how lenya works, so the documentation is better for everyone.

see this page on confluence for info on CMS systems
Content Management Systems Review

here is an archive of what I reviewed specifically for this problem:
CMS For Authoring

Carolyn's Taxonomy of Assessments Alternate

TEEMSS2assessment.doc (application/msword)
teems2_data_tables3.doc (application/msword)
teemss2_form_screens.jpg (image/pjpeg)
teemss2_form_screens.bmp (image/bmp)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:43